Salt Caves and Wellness Center in Acton, Massachusetts: This Is Where It Gets Good
Sourced from the salt-rich region of the Himalayas, our two handcrafted salt caves have been designed with more than 30,000 pounds of organically occurring salt rich in healing minerals including magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium. This ancient material has long been associated with physical health and robust cellular communication, and our stunning salt caves offer every visitor meaningful opportunities for healing and reflection, either seated in one of our zero gravity lounge chairs, or by laying directly on the salt cave floor.
Tell Me More. Is a Salt Cave Really Healing?
Salt is antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory. In our caves, the densely applied layers of salt yield an air quality that is infused with microsalt particles, regarded as a natural and effective way to improve respiratory health. This therapeutic benefit of salt inhalation, or halotherapy, is augmented at Salted Soul by music, guided meditation and ambient light to assist you in experiencing real improvements in your physical and mental health.
Halotherapy has many benefits:
Relief of seasonal allergies and asthma
Reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression
Relief from COPD, bronchitis, and emphysema
Soothing of skin conditions including eczema, psoriasis, and acne
Aid in prevention of cold and flu
Reduction of inflammation like arthritis and muscle tension
Improves snoring and sleep apnea
Relief of headaches and migraines

Learn more about Salted Soul’s offerings and philosophy.